08.03.2017 08:00
Reference is made to stock exchange release from FLEX LNG Ltd. (“FLEX”) in connection with shareholder approval to issue new shares in a private placement, and issuance of 78,000,000 new shares to Geveran Trading Co. Ltd. (“Geveran”), a company indirectly controlled by trusts established by Mr John Fredriksen for the benefit of his immediate family, in connection with the acquisition by FLEX of shipbuilding contracts for two high-end MEGI LNGC newbuilds. Upon completion of these share issues, Geveran will have a holding of 182,181,837 shares in FLEX, equalling approximately 65.43% of the shares and votes in the company. The calculation is based on a total of 278,418,038 outstanding shares in FLEX.
This disclosure is made pursuant to section 4-2 and 4-3 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.