14.07.2017 14:30
The Board of Directors of Oslo Børs has today resolved to admit shares in FLEX LNG LTD. (the “Company”) to listing on Oslo Børs as a transfer of listing from Oslo Axess.
The first day of trading of the Company’s shares on Oslo Børs will be on 18 July 2017. The Company will continue to trade its shares under the ISIN BMG359471031 and under the trading symbol “FLNG” following the transfer of listing.
A listing summary (the “Summary”) has been prepared in accordance with section 7-5 (1) no 11 of the Securities Trading Act, cf. section 7-2 (1) of the Securities Trading Regulation. Oslo Børs has approved the Summary, which was published today and is attached hereto. It will also be available at the Company’s website: www.flexlng.com.
Jonathan Cook, CEO
Tel. +44 207 543 6699
This information is subject to disclosure under the Norwegian Securities Trading Act, Section 5-12.