Monday January 19, 2015

19.01.2015 23:45

David McManus

This is to inform that Mr. David McManus, a board member of FLEX LNG Ltd, has today been allotted 51,522 ordinary shares to be issued by FLEX LNG Ltd as part of his remuneration 01/07/2014 to 31/12/2014. The shares constitute a total remuneration of USD 53,519.02, based on a price per share of NOK 8.03464. The price per share is calculated on the basis of the volume weighted average trading price of the Company’s shares over a period of ten consecutive trading days ending on the day of the emuneration settlement, being 7 January 2015.

After the issue of these shares, Mr. David McManus will have a holding of 723,844 shares in the Company, representing 0.57% of the total shares outstanding. 

Jens Martin Jensen

This is to inform that Mr. Jens Martin Jensen, a board member of FLEX LNG Ltd, has today been allotted 4,421 ordinary shares to be issued by FLEX LNG Ltd as part of his remuneration from 28/10/2014 to 31/12/2014.The shares constitute a total remuneration of USD 4,592.39, based on a price per share of NOK 8.03464. The price per share is calculated on the basis of the volume weighted average trading price of the Company’s shares over a period of ten consecutive trading days ending on the day of the remuneration settlement, being 7 January 2015.

After the issue of these shares, Mr. Jens Martin Jensen will have a holding of 4,421 shares in the Company, representing 0.003% of the total shares outstanding. 

Founder Staff Options

This is to inform that Mr. Ueland and Tveitnes, primary insiders of FLEX LNG Ltd, have today been allotted 400,000 ordinary shares each. The exercise price for the shares was USD 0.01. After the new share issuance, Mr. Ueland and Tveitnes will each have a direct holding of 400,000 shares in the Company, representing 0.31% of the total shares outstanding. In addition, through Hansa LNG Ltd (a company controlled by Mr. Ueland and Tveitnes), a further 682,800 shares are held, representing a further 0.53% of the total shares outstanding. They each also holds options personally, and options and warrants via Hansa LNG Ltd (details per the 2013 statutory accounts).