Tuesday December 23, 2014

23.12.2014 14:15


This notification is made pursuant to the Securities Trading Act section 6-18.

Reference is made to the offer document dated 19 November 2014 regarding the mandatory offer made by Geveran Trading Co Ltd (“Geveran”) to acquire all issued and outstanding shares in Flex LNG Ltd. (“Flex LNG” or the “Company”) at an offer price of NOK 8.00 per share (the “Offer”).

The acceptance period of the Offer expired on 18 December 2014, at 16:30 CET. Geveran has been advised by Fearnley Securities AS, acting as receiving agent for the Offer, that the final result of the Offer shows that Geveran has received acceptances for a total of 44,309,205 shares, corresponding to approximately 34.97% of the share capital and voting rights in the Company.  Further, and in connection with the Offer, Geveran has agreed to purchase an additional 20,000 shares at a price not exceeding the offer price.

Based on the final result, Geveran will, at completion of the Offer, hold 103,837,979 shares in the Company, corresponding to approximately 81.94% of the share capital and voting rights.

Settlement of the Offer is expected to take place on 29 December 2014.