Saturday September 23, 2017

23.09.2017 13:00

FLEX LNG LTD. (the “Company”) advises that the 2017 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company was held on September 22, 2017 at 11:45 a.m. at the Elbow Beach Hotel, 60 South Shore Road, Paget PG04, Bermuda.  The audited consolidated financial statements for FLEX LNG LTD. for the period ended December 31, 2016 were presented to the Meeting.

In addition, the following resolutions were passed:

1)   To re-elect David McManus as a Director of the Company. 

2)   To re-elect Marius Hermansen as a Director of the Company. 

3)         To re-elect Ola Lorentzon as a Director of the Company. 

4)         To re-elect Georgina E. Sousa as a Director of the Company. 

5)         To elect Nicolai Grigoriev as a Director of the Company. 

6)         To re-appoint Ernst & Young AS as auditor and to authorize the Directors to determine their remuneration. 

7)         To approve the remuneration of the Company’s Board of Directors, post the 2017 Annual General Meeting. 

8)         To authorize the Board to issue shares as remuneration to the Directors, post the 2017 Annual General Meeting, on the terms and conditions more particularly set out in Proposal 7 of the Proxy Statement.

Hamilton, Bermuda

September 22, 2017